Tips For Hooking Up During The Holiday Season


The holiday can sometimes be a bit of a funk when you’re single. However, it doesn’t have to be! I’ve got a list of things you can and should do if you want to boost your chances of hooking up this holiday season.

hook up on holidays

Photo Credit: The Inbetweeners. Bwark Productions.

Holiday Hook Up Tips

These are the tips that matter most during the holiday season so please keep reading to really understand what we’re doing here.

Network, Network and Network

There’s a reason why so many folks join hook up sites and it’s not to just look at the pictures, it’s to network! There’s a ton of sites that pride themselves on being some of the best casual dating networks on the Internet.

The reason they do is because some of them can, especially sites like the famous adult personals such as Most provide tools for you to continue to network every hour on the hour.

This is where you need to start to connect with other singles looking to hook up during the holiday season. Now, if you don’t believe me, simply read my snapsext review now.

Don’t Wait Until The Last Minute

If you want to get laid on Thanksgiving or Christmas, I’d suggest not waiting until the very last minute to try and meet someone.

Start using your network at least a week in advance to make some plans with someone you’ve connected with online. The reason for not waiting is that many people plan holidays even if they’re single.

They have things scheduled and events to attend. There’s a chance you may even be able to attend an event with someone if you’re smart enough to plan ahead.

Hit The Town

I know my town gets crazy the night before any holidays. So, being the single guy that I am what do I do? You guessed it. I hit the local bar and take myself out for a nice night on the town!

Oh, but I don’t go alone. Just like I prepare for the weekend dating, I prepare for casual holiday sex too. I always bring my trusty smart phone out with me and I spend time treating myself at a nice restaurant.

Keep yourself active on the local network and browse for someone to hook up with. Once they find out you’re out at a nice place, they may be more inclined to get a little holiday action from you. Oh and be sure you’re dressed nicely too…leave the ugly sweater at home if you want to get laid.

holiday casual dating tips

Don’t Act Desperate or Lonely

When you do connect with someone, whether it be online using a mobile dating site or in a local establishment, DO NOT do anything to look desperate. No one wants to hookup with someone that’s too available.

It’s simple as that really. In fact, it’s best to act as though you’re slightly unavailable and in a rush. But change that tone once you really get into a conversation with your potential hook up.

Wrapping It Up: Make It About Them

Once you get into a conversation with your casual date or bang buddy candidate, your conversation all about them. Be sure to do so in the most non-creepy or overly aggressive way.

Women love it when you make it all about them. Plus, doing so will increase your chances of getting laid. Simple as that really.

I couldn’t have said it better than this myself…LOL

holiday sex