My Daily Fling Review

If you’re into using dating sites, then you know that many of them are pure garbage. My Daily Fling just might be at the top of the trash pile! I’ve covered everything you need to know about the network and why it’s one that scams you time and time again. works with a company called MediaMailings out of the Netherlands and they blast you with tons of scammy marketing emails. Find out everything that I know about this crap.

My Daily Fling Review

My Daily Fling Review: It Just Scams You

There are plenty of dating sites that get filled with people who just want to hook up. There’s nothing wrong with that at all. Trying to constantly date someone is exhausting. It makes sense that men and women just want to take a break and have a little bit of fun. Finding a site that lets you do that is great.

You can find likeminded people without having to go out and spend a ton of money. Of course, not all of these have your best interests in mind. It gets extremely easy to turn these sites into giant scams. That’s what’s going on with My Daily Fling.

This is just a scam site that is out to take your money from you. It doesn’t do anything to actually help you hook up with anyone. Its main goal is to do anything it can to separate you form your money and that’s it.

You Get Tons Of Scammy Messages

The first thing that happens to you on this site is a massive influx of emails. This isn’t the only site doing this either. Snap Cougar does the same exact thing. You’ll start getting them as soon as you sign up. They won’t stop for anything. It doesn’t matter what you do. You’ll get messages and that’s all there is to it. It will seem like you’d be foolish to not respond to them. That’s where the scam starts coming in.

You can’t send out a single message on this site. If you want to do that, you’ll have to upgrade your account. That means opening up your wallet and giving them your money. That’s what the site is after.

Once you do that, you’ll find out right away that you still can’t talk to anyone. No one is going to respond to you. That’s because all of the messages you’ve been getting have been completely fake.

Prove The Profiles Are Fake Fast

All you have to do to see that the people sending you messages aren’t real is run an image search on the profile pictures. It’s not difficult. In fact, it only takes a couple of seconds. You can use Google if you want. If you want to try something else, there are plenty of programs.

What you’re going to see is that the images are plastered all over the internet. They’re stock photos that the company bought to put on their fake profiles. It’s really that simple of a trick and it works all of the time.

Conclusion: Pass My Daily Fling By, Don’t Look Back

My Daily Fling isn’t a site that you should visit. It’s totally fake. The profiles are fake, the messages are fake, most likely the text messages sent are fake and the promises of getting you a hook up are totally fake. Nothing on the site is real except the money that you’ll be giving them.

Stay away from it.

There are plenty of real sites out there that you could be using instead. This will never be a real one. This one will just take your money and give you nothing in return. Just pass it by.