Okay, so I do not have the best spelling and grammar on the face of this planet. However, you best believe that I put forth great effort in using proper grammar when it comes to dating and communicating online with someone if you are trying to score a date with them.

Photo Credit: Twitter/Digitaltrends
Why Grammar Matters In Online Dating
Regardless how casual the site or app might be that you’re using to try and hook up on. It’s extremely important that you proofread your messages. It may just make or break your online dating experience. The good news is that you’re in luck, there are tools that can help you sound smarter than a 6th grader even if you’re really not.
Grammarly, a Google Chrome grammar checking application, is the recommended app to use when writing anything online to anyone. The company recently teamed up with mainstream dating giant eHarmony in order to conduct a survey on the impact poor grammar and spelling mistakes have on individuals dating experiences. They had surveyed over 10,000 dating profiles and published an infographic to share the results with the world. Here are some of the stats from the study…
Studies Don’t Lie
The study determined that overall app and site usage increases between January 1 and Valentine’s Day with approximately 11% of American adults using one or the other. There’s also a significant increase in the number of subscribers during this period as well.
The study revealed that men who used the word “whom” properly were 31% more likely to get contacted by the opposite sex. The study also determined that men who wrote “women” on their profile rather than “girls” were 28% more successful. Now, I’m not sure what they mean by success but I’m assuming they had lined up more dates with other members.
I’m going to cut to the chase here, it’s more crucial for men to use proper spelling and grammar versus women. If your profile even has just two spelling or grammar errors then you reduce your chances of getting laid by 14%.
The study revealed that grammar even trumps confidence! I was quite surprised by this one actually. Then again, no one wants to date someone that sounds like a complete moron. being confident and not being capable of doing something most 5th graders can handle is a real turn off.
The bottom line is, read your profile and communicate carefully or you’re drastically reducing your chances of getting laid. This is the big takeaway here and make sure you follow suit or you’ll only be hurting yourself.