Dirty Talk Tips To Turn Your Partner On


If you’re doing some casual online dating and are looking for sex, then you need to know how to talk to people, especially in the bedroom. Turning your partner on is essential if you want to get laid. That means being able to talk dirty. If you can’t talk the talk then you’re not going to turn your hook up partner on. Dirty talk is pretty simple once you know the approach to take. Here are a few tips to help boost your dirty talking skills.

dirty talk tips

Talk Dirty and Prosper (What To Know)

Keep in mind, these things are not in any specific order at all. Find out here what

Forget The Video Misconceptions

If you’ve seen an adult video or two then you know that sex videos consist of at least one couple often talking filthy and even somewhat degrading yet every individual in the video love it.

I’m here to tell you that this can be a misconception. Not everyone wants to be yelled at and talked down too but some do. The first thing to understand is that things that happen in sex videos don’t usually happen in the bedroom. Forget what you know about all those sex videos and just keep reading.

R-Rated Language All The Way

Turning your date on in the bedroom through dirty talk normally requires r-rated language. Generally speaking, by the time the dirty talk starts taking place, you’re probably naked or half naked and you are just about to start banging.

A surefire way to turn your date off immediately is using language that makes them feel like they are attending a PG-13 movie. If you want to turn someone on, start speaking to them with an r-rated tone. That means, going all out using the F-word.

One thing I should warn you about is that there are certain words you should avoid. For example, never use the C-word and never use the word “bitch” because it’s going more than likely turn her off. It’s okay to act, speak and be dirty as can be, but be a gentleman as well.

Ask Away

Asking questions can turn on your partner, even if they aren’t responding to them. You were asked questions when you created your online dating profile. This is no different really! It’s about the act of asking that gets someone excited. For example, I always suggest asking a the following when hooking up with someone.

“You like that?”

“You want it harder?”

“I want to make you cum.”

“What can I do to please you?”

These are all ‘in the moment’ questions that can really spice things up for you and your partner. The important thing to remember is that your job is to get your partner off. If you find that your partner likes it when you say something to her, keep saying it but don’t sound like a broken record. No one likes records that are broken.

Find A Tone

Some people may like a more forceful tone while others like much less forceful tones. Your job is to find the tone that works best. That may mean shifting your tone to see her reaction. The important thing is that once you find out what doesn’t work in terms of a tone, that you deviate away from that as quickly as possible.

Now, if you fuck something up with any one of these things, then chances are you could ruin a guaranteed lay if you if you screw it up huge by saying the wrong things. If this happens, my advice would be to get your feet wet again and go get laid. Stop crying and bang someone. If you become the guy below, then don’t call me!

guy crying