Common Tinder Profile Tips and Mistakes People Make


Even though I’m not a huge fan of using Tinder, there is some good that can come out of the site in general, like know what to post on your dating profile. One of the most effective online dating platforms for hooking up is the popular app Tinder (or so they want you to think). If you’re going to use this site or any other dating app, then you need to be aware of the common Tinder profile tips as well as the mistakes many people make.

Guys like it because they can scroll through multiple single ladies in their area, swipe right if they like them, and swipe left if they don’t. Girls like it because they don’t have to deal with hearing from guys unless they swipe right on them as well. There is a tremendous potential for success when guys use this app. However, not even close to the amount of success that people have on Snapsext. Problem is, \they continue to make mistakes that cause girls to swipe left. I”m going to help prevent that from occurring by sharing some tips and mistakes that you must be aware of!

Tinder Profile Tips

Tinder Profile Tips and Mistakes To Always Avoid

I have put together the most common mistakes that turn girls off on Tinder to help you avoid them and enjoy the success that so many other guys are. If you avoid these mistakes, you are sure to accumulate a lot more matches and increase your chances of hooking up.

Posting Super Blurry Pics

You would be surprised if I told you just how many guys post pictures that have horrible quality. I’m not sure why they do it but they do. Whether they don’t know any better or are just plain lazy, they’ve got to stop it. Posting photos that are of bad quality will not get you any matches. If you do get matches, they will be bad, just like that “piece of shit” photo you posted.

Choose photos that are clear with decent lighting without too much clutter in the background. Camera phones take amazing pictures that are pretty decent. Put on some nice clothes, fix your hair, and have a friend take a picture of you with a decent background. There will be a noticeable difference on Tinder and you will see many more matches. Don’t do it in the bathroom either, you’ll look like a total douchebag. That’s casual dating rule 101 if you ask me!

Shirtless Selfies

This is another head scratcher. Mirror selfies did not look good when selfies were first invented and they don’t look good now. Taking a picture of yourself in the mirror makes you look lazy and void of creativity. Taking a picture of yourself in the mirror with your shirt off is just as lame. Girls will be laughing at you. They will not be swiping right. Even if you have a nice body, it makes you come off like a cheesy guy without a brain in your head. You do not want to be that guy. Head to the guy and pose there with your shirt off if you want to instead. You’ll have better luck meeting local women taking that route.

Frowning Sucks

A lot of guys will avoid posting pictures of themselves smiling because they think it looks cheesy. They think that a picture of them frowning looks cool or even a serious photo. Let me tell you something, it most certainly does not. The last thing you want to do is make it look like you’re trying to be cool. Frowning in pics isn’t going to get girls swiping. They’ll be running for the hills instead.

Group Photos

I will never understand why guys think it’s cool to post a picture with them and a bunch of their friends. Pictures like this are fine for your social media wall, but it will do nothing for you on Tinder. It might prompt girls to swipe left. The first problem is that they can’t tell which one is actually you. That’s the most important issue here. How do you expect someone to want to date or hook up with someone they can’t see. Fuck that, ain’t nobody got any time for that! The second problem is that you come off as a person who is not an original or an individual and you need your friends to define you. Your friends are not going to help you get laid on Tinder. I can promise you that for sure.

Look I share a lot of adult dating facts and the fact of the matter is that if you fuck up your Tinder profile or any other dating profile, you’re screwed. Just do as I say and you’ll be fine.

Texting Girls And How To Do It The Right Way


I’ve been using a few go to dating sites over the years, one of which is the definition of perfection when it comes to hooking up with girls. The common denominator is that texting is a must on all of them. Now, when it comes to texting girls, there is a right way to do it and there is a wrong way. If you make the effort to send the right texts, you could end up getting laid faster than you realize.

If you make the same common mistakes many men do, you will only turn her off. Texting is an art that you need to learn to perfect. To learn how to send the right texts, you must first learn what not to do. I’m going to cover that aspect of things right now.

texting girls: doing it the right way

Texting Girls (The Wrong Way and Right Way)

First I’ll cover things that you need to know so that you don’t do them. Then I’ll cover the right way to text horny girls. Who knows, you might end up meeting up with one or two if you play your cards right!

The last thing you want to do is send boring or mundane texts. If you don’t pique her interests right away, she’ll move on to a guy who will. Here are some samples of boring and mundane texts to avoid:

  • Hey, how are you today? Are you working today or what?
  • I was just thinking about you and thought I’d drop you a line. What’s up?
  • I enjoyed meeting you. Would you like to meet somewhere?
  • You are really fun to talk to. Would you like to get together sometime soon?

Here are some samples of responses you might get from her if you send one of these boring and mundane messages:

  • Things are a little complicated right now. I don’t really have time to go out.
  • I enjoyed meeting you as well, but I’m going out with someone this weekend.
  • I’m not prepared to go out with anyone right now. Sorry about that.

How to tell you’re doing it wrong…

There are tell-tale signs that you have made the wrong moves and a girl will let you know with her responses. If she is not interested, many girls (college girls especially) won’t respond at all. If she does, she responds with very short texts that don’t encourage further messages. They will also take a long time to respond. If she is interested, her responses will come rather quickly. Also, if you are initiating every text exchange, you are probably wasting your time.

How to text girls the right way…

Now that you know the wrong way to text her, let’s look at the right way. Each stage of texting comes with its own set of things to consider. I’ll explain each stage now.

Stage 1: The first stage is getting her attention. The first text you send should show your sense of humor. Make it playful and show your personality.

Stage 2: The second stage requires making a connection. A good way to make the connection is compliments. Show her that you’re a cool guy that she can trust. The more comfortable she is with you, the more likely you are to move on to the next stage.

Stage 3: The third stage is flirting. Show her that you’re not only funny, you’re sexy. Use this stage to tease her or flirt with her. The better she responds, the sexier the follow-up texts should be.

Stage 4: The fourth and final stage is sealing the deal. Keep your sense of humor and maintain flirting. If she continues responding in a positive way; ask her if she wants to meet.

Once you’ve built up your confidence and you think you’re ready then go for it, ask her out or to meet for drinks. Choose a local hotel that has great dining options. You will impress here, trust me. In the event that you do not, then pass on her entirely.

Text Messages To Send Girls You Wanna Smash


As you know, I’m all about sending hot text messages to girls. In my opinion, one of the most powerful tools in the modern casual dating world is texting or sexting. Knowing how to text local girls will do wonders for you – trust me. 

It’s not like being put on the spot and trying to come up with some things to say face to face with a girl. Texting allows you to take the time to formulate messages that will turn her on and make her want to be with you. Unfortunately, many guys still manage to screw it up. Some go overboard and use the wrong approach and end up scaring or evening disgusting a girl instead of turning her on.

That’s why I put together some examples of some effective texts that I have used and had success with. Don’t copy these texts word for word. That’s not the point. The point is to learn the right approach. After the samples, I’ll let you know the fundamentals of how to formulate your own texts that will get a girl to want to hook up with you.

Text Messages To Send Girls

Sample Text Messages To Send To Local Girls You Wanna Bang

Here are some of the best texts that I send to girls on on a regular basis. If you’re not sending something similar, then you’re doing an injustice for yourself.

  • I’m not having a great day. Will you send over a hot pic to make me smile?
  • I couldn’t take my eyes off your legs while wearing that outfit yesterday.
  • Things get a quite naughty in my head when I think of you.
  • I can’t stop picturing what I’m going to do to you. I can’t concentrate on my work.
  • If I bought you some sexy lingerie, would you model it for me?
  • You better stop being a bad girl or I might have to give you a spanking.
  • What is your hottest erotic fantasy? I might just have to make it come true.
  • Women that get erotic massages are happier? FYI, I’m willing to help.
  • Hugs and kisses on all your pink parts.

Formulating Text Messages To Arouse Women

The first thing you must realize is that it’s not as hard as you think to get a girl in bed using text messages. Let’s face it. Most guys out there can’t formulate a proper sentence, much less put together a text that gets them laid. There is one basic rule that you must keep in mind. It rings true whether you are looking for a booty call or arouse your girlfriend. Always remember this:

Get Her Attention. Make Her Laugh. She’ll Respond For Sure!

You should always have this advice in your head every time you text a girl that you are attracted to. She wants to hear something interesting from you and she wants to have fun and nothing is more effective at making texts fun than making her laugh. If you interest her and make her smile, she will be more likely to accept the sextexting and be turned on by it. Just remember that she must feel comfortable with you before you bring out the kinky talk. If you jump in right away before you get to know her, you might give her the wrong impression and turn her off instead of turning her on.

How To Spoil Girls You Wanna Bang


Sometimes you need to spoil girls to get in their pants. It’s not something that you need to do on a regular basis but if you find that special someone that you meet online, then you might want to take the extra mile to eventually bang her. Take my advice here and just read this blog post. Chances are you will learn a thing or two that just might help you hit a homerun in the bedroom.

How To Spoil Girls

Ways To Spoil A Girl You Want To Hook Up With

I’m going to do everything that I normally refrain from doing, tell you exactly what you should do to hook up with a girl you really want to bang. That’s right, sometimes you need to spoil a girl to get in their pants. Here are some ways to spoil any girls that you really want to bang.

Surprise Day Away

Given that you met this girl online and that she likely doesn’t completely trust you just yet, instead of doing a weekend getaway, you could simply do a day-cation getaway.

I’d suggest a local high-end hotel if you live nearby one. Be sure to surprise the girl by letting her know (somewhat in advance) but don’t
book anything until she’s confirmed. You don’t want to waste too much money in the event that she says no.

Nice Dinner Date

There is nothing that lets a girl know you really like her versus taking her out for a nice dinner date. Trust me, a fantastic meal is going to speak volumes about the type of person you are.

Feel free to let the girl know in advance where you’re going so that she can dress up for it. She’ll feel sexier and that might help you get her dress on your bedroom floor quicker.

Surprise Massage

Sometimes a couples massage is a great way to kick things off. It shows that you really care about relaxation and treating a girl right. There’s nothing better than getting a massage (far as I’m concerned).

I’ve never met a girl on Snapsext that didn’t love a massage. In fact, I’ve gotten lucky on so many occasions that I can’t even recall them all.

Small Gifts

Women love getting gifts, even if they aren’t extravagant or anything of that nature. You don’t need to spend a shit ton of money on something either.

Literally, going out of your way to get something small such as flowers or coffee or something can really help up your chances of getting lucky.

Compliment Her Like Crazy

Spoiling girls don’t always require spending money. You can feed her honest compliments all day long and she’ll feel like a queen!

That injunction with opening doors and treating her like a special lady will help you get laid more.

These are all ways that you can spoil a girl that you’ve met online! I suggest surprising some Snapsext girls and seeing what happens. Chances are you’ll get in one of them!

How To Recover From A Loving Relationship That’s Ended


We all go through breakups from time to time. It’s pretty common and ending a loving relationship is something that we hate to have to do but we do it. Most of us have suffered through a breakup at one time or another. Some breakups are harder and hurt more than others, but nothing hurts more than breaking up with someone that you love. A breakup like that can leave you virtually inconsolable. No matter what advice you are given or shoulders you cry on, nothing seems to ease the pain.

There’s not much you can do about the pain because time is the only thing that can heal a broken heart, but there are some things you can do to make the recovery just a little easier and maybe even shorten it. I’m going to tell you exactly what I suggest you do.

Relationship is over

Get Over A Loving Relationship Successfully Be Doing These Things

Here are some of the most important things that you should do if you want to get over a loving relationship. It’s over and you need to move on, so here’s what you should do!

Don’t Rush Your Recovery

When you suffer a breakup with someone that you love and have a deep connection with, it can feel like you’re in your own personal hell. You may feel the intense need to get out of this funk as quickly as possible, but you can’t rush it. If anything is going to make your recovery go faster, it must happen naturally. If you try to rush it, all you will be doing is extending it. Some try to rush it by pushing the pain way down, but it will resurface eventually and might resurface stronger than it was before. Face the pain and feel it when it comes, just don’t let it consume you.

Keep (Your Mind) Occupied

Keeping your mind occupied might sound like a contradiction to the notion of facing your pain, but that’s not what I mean by occupying your mind. I’m talking about keeping yourself busy, not ignoring your pain. If the pain comes, you must embrace it and deal with it, but if your mind is occupied with other things, the pain will take a back seat naturally without being forced. It is especially positive to keep yourself busy doing something that you didn’t do as often because you were in a relationship.

Thrive on Your Own

One thing that is crucial to recovering from lost love is learning to be independent and love yourself. You can build a future with someone you love, but it should never be to the detriment of your individuality. You must be happy with yourself before you can hope to be happy with someone else. That may have been what contributed to losing your love in the first place, so you can’t let it destroy you once that love is gone. Just because the person you love doesn’t want to be with you anymore, that does not mean that you are any less of a person.

No Rebound (Unless A Bootycall)

One of the most damaging things you can do after lost love is rushing into another relationship. You haven’t recovered from your last love yet and it will only mean disaster if you try to love again before you’re ready. It will be too easy to overcompensate and fall too hard too soon and you will only prolong and even worsen your pain. This is one of the main reasons why it’s best to use an online hookup site to have no strings attached sex or even just do some light video chat sex with someone. You won’t get attached by doing this and it’ll keep your mind occupied while getting over someone.

Look, you can’t avoid this type of thing. Time heals everything and using some dating sites that help connect you with people just for sex can help as well. Don’t use the Kik app or anything that people are telling you to use. Instead, do what I’m telling you to do!

Shy Girls: What You Must Know To Determine If They Want You


Guess what, shy girls like hooking up with guys too. When a girl is attracted to you, she will usually give you clear signs. Sometimes these signs are voluntary, sometimes they are involuntary. Pretty girls are often outspoken and confident and they are used to getting attention from guys, so they don’t hesitate to show you that they are attracted. Shy girls are a different story.

They still give you some of the same signs, but they are too shy to be obvious about it. Many shy girls are beautiful and sexy, but they don’t realize it. These types of girls can turn out to be hotter than any of their more confident friends. They just need someone who will recognize them and the signs that they are giving. Trust me, they are looking for a fling 9 times out of 10.

Shy Girls

Everything To Know About Shy Girls

Here are the most common signs that a shy girl likes you. This should help you look past her shyness and see that she is ready and willing to rock your world.

Making Eye Contact – This is a sign that will let you know that any girl is into you. If she is not interested in you, she will not bother to look your way. Pay close attention to shy girls though because, if she is clearly making an effort to avoid eye contact, she probably likes you.

She Pays Attention To You – Shy girls aren’t comfortable with striking up a conversation, so they show that they’re interested if they pay close attention to everything you say.

She will often acknowledge you every time you talk, especially if no one else seems to be paying attention because their attention is focused on you whenever you are around.

She Responds To Your Humor – If you’ll notice; a shy girl will laugh at your humor and they will not laugh at anyone else’s. This is another sign that their attention is focused on you. Even if she doesn’t laugh, she will smile and probably make eye contact to show you she’s paying attention.

Subtle Touching – One thing that you should realize about any girl, especially shy girls, is that they will avoid contact if they’re not attracted to you. If she looks for any excuse to touch you, no matter how subtle, she is probably quietly turned on by you and feels the need to touch you.

Being More Shy w/ You Than With Anyone Else – If you see her engaging everyone else around you and making a concentrated effort to avoid engaging you, she probably likes you. If she didn’t like you, she wouldn’t be making an effort either way.

She Acts Weird or Nervous Around You – If a shy girl is attracted to you; you will be able to notice a clear difference in the way she responds to you than she does to anyone else.

The more extreme her shyness, the more she will appear nervous and uncomfortable. If she was not attracted to you, there would be little to no difference in the way she reacts to you than she does to anyone else around you.

Final Opinion

Keep your eyes and ears open for these things mentioned and you’ll likely have better luck hooking up. There are many girls using mobile dating sites that are shy but still want to get some D. Try and connect with them and see what happens.

Why I Love Going On Cougar Dates


I am a huge fan of going on cougar dates. In fact, I like to think that about 30% of the people I’m meeting on my go-to mobile dating app are cougars. They’re women in their late 40s that are simply looking to get some dick and nothing more or less. They need just enough inches to satisfy and poof, they’re gone like the wind. Find out why I love dating cougars on a regular basis and why I suggest you start to do the same.

cougar dates

Reasons I Go On Cougar Dates Weekly

There are plenty of reasons why I go on dates with cougars. Many of them are relatively obvious so long as you open your eyes and ears. If you’ve got even the slightest bit of intelligence or the ability to pinpoint things then you’ll quickly understand why I love these aged women.

No Pressure

There’s never any pressure when dating a cougar. In fact, they’re so relaxed it’s insane. I’ve met some older women that carry themselves perfectly and relaxed. I have never felt any pressure dating them because it’s so short terms and they know that. They just want some young dick to clean their pipes. Nothing I can’t handle.

No Drama

Older women are over the drama and they have no reason to have any in their lives. even if you’re dating a married woman, you can count on them not bringing any drama into your life for any reason whatsoever. That might be one of the main perks of dating these aged ladies.

Great Sex

Most of the time, dating cougars means that you’re going to be hooking up with an aged woman that has a perfect pussy that knows how to use it. I think older women know how to handle themselves way better than most girls my age.

Just Bang

Sometimes these older ladies are willing to wine and dine younger men. They want you to feel good about yourself so they splurge and pay for things for you. Nice dinners, fancy wine, and drinks and then just banging like crazy for hours. Does that sound like something you’d enjoy? On certain occasions, I’ve been out and about in town, connected to my phone, messaged a local cougar and less than an hour later I’m eating steak or licking her pussy. How’s that sound for fun huh?

Well, last but not least, I love using my mobile phone and meeting local cougars on the go. They’re always connected and it makes it so simple to establish a connection with them.

Houston Strip Clubs To Hit During Superbowl 51


I’m heading out to see the Atlanta Falcons and New England Patriots battle it out head to head at Superbowl 51. In order to make the most of my trip I plan on hitting some local strip clubs. Given that I’ve been to the city before, I wanted to give you some ideas on where to go if you do decide to go to the Superbowl. That’s why I’m going to share my favorite strip clubs in the Houston, TX area right now. I’m telling you there are plenty of girls that are willing to dance like crazy for you in Houston. Here’s a rundown of things…

Houston Strip Clubs Superbowl Weekend

Top Houston Strip Clubs To Hit During Superbowl Weekend

This list is by no means in any order. I’m simply listing them out based on my person experience visiting the area. Please understand that there are tons of places so you should do further research. This is simply my own personal research.

Scores Gentleman’s Club 6340 Westheimer Rd

I personally like this place. It’s a bit on the low-end side but the girls are smoking hot and they will do just about anything in the backroom. I must also say that the food is pretty decent. I ordered a steak and mopped it up within minutes. Nothing better than steak, local girls, and bottle service.

The Men’s Club of Houston 3303 Sage Rd

This place is also decent but not fantastic. It’s affordable and good enough for me to include in the review but the girls weren’t the hottest. If you’re with a girlfriend or wife, then they’ll love you because they are very couple friendly. Some of my friends went in the back room for about an hour to do who knows what and they enjoyed it. Simple as that buddy.

Treasures of Houston 5647 Westheimer Rd

I would have to say that this is the type of club that you’d expect to see if visiting from out of town. You’re going to have to spend some money here if you want to get good service, but the girls are pretty hot. If you hit the club on a Friday, it’s free to enter. Some of the featured dancers would make you blow your load in seconds I bet. I’d say give this spot a try for sure if you’ve got time.

Those are my top three strip club recommendations for anyone looking to get some nude dances over Superbowl weekend. I can almost guarantee that you will without a doubt find more if you simply take a ride down Westheimer Rd. Don’t be afraid to ask the Uber drivers what they recommend either. Good luck! Hey if all else fails, just fire up your dating app and head to this place, you’ll find someone to fuck there I’m sure!

How To Pimp Out A Bachelor Pad To Get More Girls


I’m all about style, not so much grace but style is my thing! I can flat out tell you that I did one thing to help increase the number of hookups that I have and it was just pimping my place out. I sunk some money into my living space to try and impress girls that come over. Guess what, it worked! After making a number of changes, I’m ready to spill the beans and share some insights with you on what I did and what you should do as well.

Bachelor pad tips

Tips For Creating A Sick Bachelor Bad

You can pick and choose what you want to do here within this list of ideas. I suggest attacking one or two things at first and then slowly improving things. It’s costly but well worth the effort. No need to hire an interior designer when you have me!

Remove The Posters

If you’re living in an apartment or house like you’re in a college dorm then clean you act up son! Any foolish posters hanging on the way have got to go. Especially if they are old sports posters or swimsuit models. Grow the fuck up dude!

Nice In-Home Theater System

I love a nice in home theater system and I know that girls really dig it. Why is this so important? Well, it’s much more comfortable watching a video in the comfort of your own home versus doing so at the movies. On top of that, you can hook up with a girl at home a lot easier. Not to mention it’s something that you can enjoy yourself when no is around.

Nice Living Room Setup

A solid living room setup encompasses a good looking ottoman and couch, entertainment center and clean yet minimalistic style. Stay away from the cheesy leather couch too. I don’t think they are in style as much as people think these days.


You better pick up some really cool artwork if you want to impress a girl. I’m telling you right now that they are great conversation pieces and girls like guys who buy art. It shows that you’re imaginative and that you value things.

Clean Bar Setup

It’s always nice to have a small bar setup at your place. It’s classy and elegant looking. I always go for this look over a keg in the living room any day. Make sure you stock plenty of wine, beer, and spirits.

Full Bedroom Set

A bachelor pad isn’t pimped out without a full bedroom set. If you’re sleeping on a mattress that’s up against the wall and that’s it then you need to step your game up. That’s a good way to scare a girl away. Having a full bedroom set makes your life look more permanent and put together.

These aren’t crazy ideas but just some that I think really make a difference. Oh and one other thing, you need to keep your house clean at all times! Don’t live like a slob! Girls don’t like to bang slobs! If you’ve done all this and you need more options, contact me and I’ll give you a few more.

From Online Encounters To Casual Sex (How To Get There)


I’m a huge believer in meeting people online, chatting, and having sex with them. You might be too if you’re reading this post now. Well, if you have spent any amount of time on dating sites or on social media, you have had online encounters that might have failed. Maybe they didn’t go as well as you had hoped and the casual sex wasn’t in the cards. It helps to analyze what went wrong in these situations. Why? Well, so you can avoid doing things that are typically a turn-off for many women. I’m going to help you better understand how you can go from online encounter to casual sex just like that!

casual sex tips

How To Go From Initial Online Encounter To Casual Sex

Some guys think that the anonymous nature of online encounters allows them to switch off their filters and be as crass and sexual as they wish. If you approach enough women this way, a couple of them could possibly respond to this technique, but your chances aren’t very good. You don’t have to be a saint to increase your chances of hooking up online, but you should use some discretion. The goal is to be smooth and confident. These two characteristics along with some patience and charm will help you increase your chances and hook up with women that are closer to your ultimate idea of a casual encounter.

Social media can be a good place to find a sexual encounter, but the best place to find one is an online dating site. More specifically, a casual dating site. These sites allow you and your potential matches to avoid any confusion and state that you are only there for sex and not a relationship. If you are looking for a relationship, that is an entirely different and more complicated subject. You should carry yourself with confidence either way whether you are looking for something long term or just a one night stand. No matter what your intentions are, you should make them clear up front. Basically, if you’re looking for a relationship, you should concentrate more on getting to know the person and taking it extra slow. If you’re looking for a hookup, you should concentrate more on flirting and teasing and getting to know intimate details about them is secondary.

Another advantage of casual dating sites is that it’s more acceptable to be talking to multiple women at the same time. Some of them go no further than online flirting and chat sex, but others graduate into sexual encounters. That is likely where you want your encounter to lead, so the more women you are talking to, the higher your chances of your online encounters leading to sex. One thing you should be careful about is not getting your matches confused with one another. Even though you are both there for casual sex, it will be a turn off if a woman you are talking to realizes that you are talking to other women the same way you are with her. Keep the illusion of exclusivity and you will avoid complications that stem from jealousy or hurt feelings.

The more accepting your matches are to your advances, the more sexual you should become. If she is accepting of your increased flirting, tease her sexually both online and over the phone. This will build the anticipation and you will be much more likely to have a successful online hookup.  You must also be on the lookout for signs that she wants to screw you if you want to increase your chances of getting laid.