​ Snapchat vs. Snapsext: Which Is Better?


Now, I’ve used a ton of social sites geared towards networking. I’ve also used a lot of sites with the primary objective of getting my stick wet. More than enough times I’ve had a great time and experience using both. Today I’m throwing down the gauntlet to show you which is better, snapchat or snapsext. Through hours of testing, running trials and documented research, I’ve determined the winner.

snapchat versus snapsext

Credit: Snapchat.com and Snapsext.com

My Snapchat and Snapsext Evaluation

SnapChat is legit the most widely used video selfie website and app on the internet. It’s only a few years old and it’s blossomed into a wild community. I’ve used Snapchat over 100 times and I’ve got a few things to say about this social sharing site. Now, SnapSext is a couple years old and is quite popular as well. It’s not as widely used as SnapChat but that’s not what’s important here because both have millions of users. What is important is the level of enjoyment and fulfillment when using both. Here’s a summary of each of my personal experiences using both in a head-to-head challenge to determine which is better.

Snapchat Evaluation

Well, here’s how Snapchat.com works if you’re not familiar with it. First you need to download the app onto your smartphone. You’ll then need to log in and do all that jazz (pretty standard). Once you’ve verified your account, you’re now ready to play.

Here’s how Snap chat works. It’s really elementary to say the least. Once you open the app. All you need to do is snap a photo or video, send it via the app as a text message to a recipient and they’ll receive it. The kicker here is that the photo or video expires after only a few short minutes.

Now, I like the fact that it does expire. However, you and I both know that I there are other apps that allow you to save anything these days. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. It really depends on how you look at it. Let’s talk network size now, it’s absolutely enormous. over a billion snaps are taken using the app every day. That’s a lot of content and I love content. However, it’s not just about content, it’s about the quality and whether or not it’s the type of content you want to view.

Snapchat has a lot of immature users that I’d probably not want to hang out with in person for the most part. When you have immature users, you often have to deal with a ton of bullshit that you don’t want to deal with. Overall, the app does a good job of facilitating a way to connect with others in a network that want to take 10-second video or picture selfies. I did connect with pretty girls and hot users while using this site. However, I DID NOT get laid using Snapchat.

Snapsext Evaluation

First of all, I know you’re asking yourself right now, “Is SnapSext legit?” I will tell you right now it 100% is legit for sure!

Now that I’ve shared my opinion on Snapchat, I’m going to share my evaluation on a similar social site, Snapsext. The onboarding process of joining Snapsext was a piece of cake and quite similar to the previously evaluated site. However, I didn’t have to download anything to get started. Instead, I visited Snapsext.com and filled out the simple form, verified my account via a simple email and that was that.

Once that was done, I built out my profile out and was off to the races. So, what I really enjoy about Snapsext is that it’s more focused on an all adult social network. This means no having to deal with the bullshit of immature members.

The app was as flawless has Snapchat so that was really not any different. One thing I can say that was very different was the type of content and people that I was connecting with. Using Snapsext, I was able to connect with some really beautiful girls that sent over some smoking hot selfies. It was way better than basic sexting too. The best part, they were nudes.

You guessed it, Snapsext allows nude content while Snapchat frowns upon this type of content sharing. Another pretty cool attribute of this site is that it’s meant to connect people that are interested in casual dating.

The member base and the number of snaps taken daily are not even comparable to Snapchat. It’s important to take quality versus quantity into consideration here. I received far better quality snaps from Snapsext members versus Snapchat. Last but not least, I DID GET LAID using SnapSext and I did so on more than one or two occasions.


After using both websites and apps for a number of months, I’ve finally come to the conclusion that SnapSext is better than SnapChat. The bottom line is that I like to hook up with hot girls and I don’t need billions of photos and users to do that. I only need to connect with one hot local girl using a social network that wants the D to get some. That’s my final answer! For those that have not tried Snapsext, my advice would be to stop using Snapchat to meet someone and try joining this social network instead!

MMA Girl Ronda Rousey Gives Sex and Dating Advice


I normally don’t write about celebs and their dating stories, but I couldn’t resist sharing a little bit of information that I recently came across that includes the sexy UFC fighter, Ronda Rousey. She is one tough girl and she’s recently revealed some sex secrets that you will won’t want to miss out on!

ronda rousey sex secrets

Photo Credit: Maxim.com / Ronda Rousey

Ronda Rousey’s Great Dating Secrets

In a recent article that was published by Maxim, Ronda Rousey, the sexy MMA fighting star shared some really important things. No, she didn’t discuss her choke holds or anything like that. But she did share some very interesting facts about her sex life and what makes it great! Here are a few dating and better sex tips that she shared…

Don’t Wear Skinny Jeans

Apparently Ronda is not a fan of skinny jeans. she thinks they are too skinny. I mean, I can’t say I disagree with her here. Unless you’re Lil Wayne driving a Bugatti you should probably stay away from the hipster skinny jeans look. Just my personal opinion.

It Doesn’t Have To Be a Fancy Date

Ronda said that her perfect date would involve a pickup truck, cider beer, mountains and an air mattress. That, my friend, is a girl that you will want to date!

I’m beginning to think that this may merit adding to the list of best places for a date now! It also proves that you don’t need to spend a ton of money on a girl to get her to have sex with you. Just sayin!

Must Cook Pancakes

According to Ronda, if a guy needs to know how to cook one thing, it’s good old fashioned pancakes. Apparently she likes to bond in the kitchen with the guy she’s dating.

I would personally make pancakes any day of the week for this girl! Making pancakes on a Sunday morning with a girl may even extend your weekend hookup chances if you play your cards right!

Be Aware of Teeth

The one thing that Ronda says is a huge no-no in the bedroom is teeth to teeth action. I can’t say I disagree. The thought of my teeth hitting someone else’s makes me cringe.

Thankfully I’ve never had that problem with any of the girls I’ve met using the Snapsext dating site. If I did, I would have to redirect her mouth elsewhere and hope she doesn’t bite something else.

Always Take Your Time

Well, apparently the smoking hot MMA babe doesn’t believe in any lube usage in the bedroom at all. Ronda feels that if you need lube, then you’re not doing your job and you’re being downright lazy. I can’t agree with her here, but I do have to respect her voice!

There you have it! Ronda Rousey got personal in this interview and I don’t think you should waste the knowledge I’ve shared.

Tips For Hooking Up During The Holiday Season


The holiday can sometimes be a bit of a funk when you’re single. However, it doesn’t have to be! I’ve got a list of things you can and should do if you want to boost your chances of hooking up this holiday season.

hook up on holidays

Photo Credit: The Inbetweeners. Bwark Productions.

Holiday Hook Up Tips

These are the tips that matter most during the holiday season so please keep reading to really understand what we’re doing here.

Network, Network and Network

There’s a reason why so many folks join hook up sites and it’s not to just look at the pictures, it’s to network! There’s a ton of sites that pride themselves on being some of the best casual dating networks on the Internet.

The reason they do is because some of them can, especially sites like the famous adult personals such as Snapsext.com. Most provide tools for you to continue to network every hour on the hour.

This is where you need to start to connect with other singles looking to hook up during the holiday season. Now, if you don’t believe me, simply read my snapsext review now.

Don’t Wait Until The Last Minute

If you want to get laid on Thanksgiving or Christmas, I’d suggest not waiting until the very last minute to try and meet someone.

Start using your network at least a week in advance to make some plans with someone you’ve connected with online. The reason for not waiting is that many people plan holidays even if they’re single.

They have things scheduled and events to attend. There’s a chance you may even be able to attend an event with someone if you’re smart enough to plan ahead.

Hit The Town

I know my town gets crazy the night before any holidays. So, being the single guy that I am what do I do? You guessed it. I hit the local bar and take myself out for a nice night on the town!

Oh, but I don’t go alone. Just like I prepare for the weekend dating, I prepare for casual holiday sex too. I always bring my trusty smart phone out with me and I spend time treating myself at a nice restaurant.

Keep yourself active on the local network and browse for someone to hook up with. Once they find out you’re out at a nice place, they may be more inclined to get a little holiday action from you. Oh and be sure you’re dressed nicely too…leave the ugly sweater at home if you want to get laid.

holiday casual dating tips

Don’t Act Desperate or Lonely

When you do connect with someone, whether it be online using a mobile dating site or in a local establishment, DO NOT do anything to look desperate. No one wants to hookup with someone that’s too available.

It’s simple as that really. In fact, it’s best to act as though you’re slightly unavailable and in a rush. But change that tone once you really get into a conversation with your potential hook up.

Wrapping It Up: Make It About Them

Once you get into a conversation with your casual date or bang buddy candidate, your conversation all about them. Be sure to do so in the most non-creepy or overly aggressive way.

Women love it when you make it all about them. Plus, doing so will increase your chances of getting laid. Simple as that really.

I couldn’t have said it better than this myself…LOL

holiday sex


Dirty Talk Tips To Turn Your Partner On


If you’re doing some casual online dating and are looking for sex, then you need to know how to talk to people, especially in the bedroom. Turning your partner on is essential if you want to get laid. That means being able to talk dirty. If you can’t talk the talk then you’re not going to turn your hook up partner on. Dirty talk is pretty simple once you know the approach to take. Here are a few tips to help boost your dirty talking skills.

dirty talk tips

Talk Dirty and Prosper (What To Know)

Keep in mind, these things are not in any specific order at all. Find out here what

Forget The Video Misconceptions

If you’ve seen an adult video or two then you know that sex videos consist of at least one couple often talking filthy and even somewhat degrading yet every individual in the video love it.

I’m here to tell you that this can be a misconception. Not everyone wants to be yelled at and talked down too but some do. The first thing to understand is that things that happen in sex videos don’t usually happen in the bedroom. Forget what you know about all those sex videos and just keep reading.

R-Rated Language All The Way

Turning your date on in the bedroom through dirty talk normally requires r-rated language. Generally speaking, by the time the dirty talk starts taking place, you’re probably naked or half naked and you are just about to start banging.

A surefire way to turn your date off immediately is using language that makes them feel like they are attending a PG-13 movie. If you want to turn someone on, start speaking to them with an r-rated tone. That means, going all out using the F-word.

One thing I should warn you about is that there are certain words you should avoid. For example, never use the C-word and never use the word “bitch” because it’s going more than likely turn her off. It’s okay to act, speak and be dirty as can be, but be a gentleman as well.

Ask Away

Asking questions can turn on your partner, even if they aren’t responding to them. You were asked questions when you created your online dating profile. This is no different really! It’s about the act of asking that gets someone excited. For example, I always suggest asking a the following when hooking up with someone.

“You like that?”

“You want it harder?”

“I want to make you cum.”

“What can I do to please you?”

These are all ‘in the moment’ questions that can really spice things up for you and your partner. The important thing to remember is that your job is to get your partner off. If you find that your partner likes it when you say something to her, keep saying it but don’t sound like a broken record. No one likes records that are broken.

Find A Tone

Some people may like a more forceful tone while others like much less forceful tones. Your job is to find the tone that works best. That may mean shifting your tone to see her reaction. The important thing is that once you find out what doesn’t work in terms of a tone, that you deviate away from that as quickly as possible.

Now, if you fuck something up with any one of these things, then chances are you could ruin a guaranteed lay if you if you screw it up huge by saying the wrong things. If this happens, my advice would be to get your feet wet again and go get laid. Stop crying and bang someone. If you become the guy below, then don’t call me!

guy crying

When Snap Sexting is Better Than Texting


Sometimes sending a text message is enough. Yup, I said it. Sometimes it can be the best way to communicate. Most of the time it’s not though! Snap sexting is a whole heck of a lot better than texting in a number of scenarios. Here’s a list of situations when you should stop texting and send a snapsext or a snapchat message instead.

Snap Sexting

The Times Snap Sexting Is The Best Option

When Your Outfit Is On Point

Dress Like A Boss

We all have good looking days as well as bad. If you’re having one of those ‘looking so fly’ outfit days and you’re on point more than usuals, then that’s one snap sexting moments to take advantage of. You’re better off showing the goods off to your potential hookup partner than telling them. If you’re looking good then show the world.

Having Some Fun Partying

party on

If you’re on a party roll and you’re not looking like an absolute disaster zone, then you’ve got a perfect excuse to chat versus text. Sending the partying chat will give a clearer indication of fun and looking for more fun versus sending some drunk text messages that no one can understand due the message looking like an encrypted code of some sorts. Show it in a snapsext video instead.

When You Have A Cute Dog To Show Off

cute dog snapchat

Have a cute puppy dog? Show that thing off! Girls love cute dogs. At least those with somewhat of a heart. If they’re cold as ice and hate cute animals then they’re suspect. Anyway, cute puppies in snapsext videos get people laid. I don’t know why, but it works!

When Text Expression Won’t Cut It

express yourself

You want to express yourself, but a simple text emoji isn’t going to cut it. If you’re super passionate about something and you need to express the F out of yourself then do it through a snapsext video. That truly sums it up and given that I’m hungover and looking to get my D wet, I’m going to hop on some video chat to convince a local girl to come bang me. Get yours my friends!

Oh, I should also let you know that I’m strictly using the Snapsext iOS version and nothing else. That’s all that I need to successfully hookup with people and that’s all you need too. You’re welcome…