Important Reasons Why I Hit On Girls Sober


Sure, you go to the club or bar and get wasted. It’s going to happen. You meet a girl and you start chatting with her. Chances are you’ve already started to hit on her. One thing leads to another and all the weed, blow, and booze that you’ve consumed have taken control and you’re no longer in the driver seat. I’m sure you think this is great for your sex game but chances are it’s the complete opposite. Let me tell you something, doing coke in the club all night to try and stay alert enough to meet some chick to fuck isn’t going to get you laid. In fact, you’d be better off staying sober the entire night and trying to meet up with some smoking hot girl completely alert versus doing it polluted.

Many people turn to drugs and alcohol to try and get an edge. Maybe they do it to try and relax. What I can say about all of this is that its complete bullshit and it’s not helping at all. Here are some of the reasons why you should try and stay sober to flirt and hook up with girls that you meet out and about. While we all like to send filthy text messages to girls (and you still can) we typically only do it when we are wasted. Take my approach and you’ll have much better luck.

Hit On Girls Sober

Main Reasons Why You Should Hit On Girls Sober

There are a few reasons why I recommend you hit on women sober, I could spend all day listing out dozens of reasons but I’d rather spend time on video chat with some naked local girl instead. That being said, I’ll keep this list short and sweet. Here are the main reasons…

You Look Weak

Did you know that most smart people are willing to put down the beer for a chance to fuck a really hot girl. The same applies to hitting on girls at the local bar or party. Some people wait until they’ve finished their beer to go and approach a girl. Taking this approach doesn’t make you cool looking. In fact, what it does is it makes the girl think that you care more about your beer than you do actually meeting her. That’s never a good way to start things off. The approach makes it look like you have a chemical dependency and absolutely no one (other than another drunk) cares about the booze or drugs. When you put substances that much further ahead of a girl, then chances are you’re not going to ever have a good time with any of those that you meet. Sure, you may have a half  night stand here and there but that’s it. Nothing consistent at all! You look like a weak pathetic pussy that couldn’t fuck a girl if she tried.

Better Memory

Once you start to get too drunk or fucked up on drugs, there’s a good chance you’re going to forget things that you’ve said. I’ve been able to remember things that I’ve said to girls and things that I’ve done to them sober and it’s been awesome. There’s nothing better than fucking a girl and waking up the next morning to remember everything you said and did to her. When you get wasted, you forget girls names, where you parked your car, how you got there and a whole lot more. Even if it’s a girl you met online that you don’t plan on fucking again, you’ll look like a dumb douchebag if you forget things that you said and did to her. it’s just a bad approach.


One of the main reasons why I don’t like to hit on girls while drinking is because it always leads to me being more hungover than usual. I’m not sure if it’s because I just go hard as a mofo while hitting on girls to try and impress them or what. All I know is that it’s next to impossible for me to feel good about myself once I’ve fucked some ugly slut that I settled for at a bar drunk. When instead, I could have met a smoking hot woman online, been balls deep in her while sober and still felt like a million bucks the night before.

Now, these reasons should be enough for you to not want to hit on girls while drunk or doing drugs. If they aren’t then I’m sorry, I’ve got nothing for you then!

Snapsext Delete Process For Those That Wish To Cancel


There are a lot of things that I can say about this Snapsext Reviews site. I’ve been a member for years and I intend on remaining as one. However, some people wish to delete their Snapsext account. For those that do, I’m not going to leave you in the dark. Instead, I’ll provide you with the specific steps that you need to take to cancel your membership and delete your Snapsext account for good.

snapsext delete account

Steps To Delete Your Snapsext Account

I know you obviously know exactly what Snapsext is for and why it’s so damn popular. It’s the best nude selfie dating site on the Internet, and it gets me laid weekly, if not daily. Deactivating your account is a breeze. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Go to
  2. Log into your account
  3. Find the account settings icon in the upper corner of the site
  4. Click on the advanced settings page
  5. Click on profile settings and check the box “Make My Profile Inactive”
  6. Click the “manage membership” button
  7. Click the “customer service” link
  8. Send an email to and send it from your account email. Tell them you want to close your account permanently and you want your info removed from the site.
  9. Customer service will reply in 1-2 business days

Now, I honestly would not recommend that anyone cancel or delete their account. The reason that I say that is it’s one of the best dating sites on the Internet. I’ve personally contemplated canceling my account and I did not do so just because so many of the other sites I joined really sucked. This site basically sets the bar in terms of hooking up. Not to mention it functions somewhat similar to Snapchat so I know most people know how to use this site if they are familiar with the Snapchat app.

Reasons To Keep Using Snap Sext

Here are a few reasons why I’d continue to use this dating site instead of canceling. First and foremost, the site will get you laid. There are plenty of college girls using this site that want to connect for sex, regardless of the day of the week. Second, the video chat function literally does not get any better than this. It’s some of the most advanced chatting technology that I’ve ever had the pleasure of using. Another reason to keep using this site is because there are so many members across the country. Heck, I’ve found members in NYC, Nebraska, Las Vegas, Oklahoma, West Virginia, South Florida and just about any other place you can think of.

Four Signs A Woman Is Flirting With You


Some women like to work and others don’t. In fact, it’s not necessary to have a girl you just met flirt with you. The truth is, it’s tough to tell whether or not a girl is actually flirting with you. You can never be too sure about whether a girl is flirting with you or not. Knowing the sure shot signs are important. If you have ever been interested in some girl you met online or at a bar, here are four signs that she might be flirting with you. Knowing them will help you get pussy. I guarantee that.

flirting tips

Signs That A Woman Is Flirting Hard With You

There are many signs that you will come across when hanging with a woman. Knowing if she’s flirting with you is super important. It helps you get laid faster and maybe even have a half night stand or two.

She Wants You To Pay Attention To Her Mouth

If a girl likes you, she is definitely going to do everything in her power to make you want to pay closer attention to her, especially in her mouth region. There is incredible flirtatious energy tied up in the lips of a woman. Lips are used as flirting tools because not only are they potent, they are effective. They boost the sexual tension levels for sure.

A woman will go out of her way for you to pay attention to her lips. She might start eating the food and licking her lips or she might have a sip for too long of a cocktail and drag her lips around the corner of the glass. She is going to do it and it is your job to pay attention to this major flirting sign. I’ve had a hot girl spend time working her mouth for an hour only to have that lead to them being on my dick a few hours later.

She Gives Undivided Attention

A girl definitely is into you and is flirting with you if she is giving you undivided attention. If she is singling you out, you need to wrap your head around the fact that she is into you. A girl would only try and gain the attention of someone she really cares about or someone she wants to fuck. It’s a notch further than the usual flirtation but a definite sign of one.

Whether you are sitting with friends or you are at a bar, if a girl is calling for your attention, you seriously need to consider everything because that girl is into you for sure. No girl gives her full attention if she doesn’t care about you or want to fuck you.

She Copies Your Body Movement

If a woman attempts to copy your body movement, then she’s into you for sure. It can be interesting to see that a girl is copying your body movement. She is going to do so if she likes you and wants to play along. Mimicking body movements is an obvious sign that she likes you and wants more from you.

She can copy you in different ways. She can either copy your movement in the sense of when you pick up a glass or she might dance in a way that is similar to your dancing style. She may even copy your hand movements. It is up to you to recognize whether or not she is doing it or she isn’t. If she does, know that she likes you and is flirting with you.

She Plays With Her Hair

Finally, if a girl likes you, she is going to make sure that she plays with her hair in front of you. A girl doing that is giving you a clear indication of the fact that she likes you and is flirting with you.

Pick up on these effective flirting signs if you want to realize that a girl is into you. If she is doing all these, she definitely wants you and wants you bad. It’s literally that simple. You need to put in the work to flirt if you want to fuck. Now, meeting someone online surely can speed things along, but it’s still going to be necessary for your to put in a little bit of work to meet someone to snap and fuck.

Sending Nude Pics Can Help Any Relationship


I typically advise against sending nude pics until you’ve established a nice connection with someone. That doesn’t mean that I think you shouldn’t send them at all! In fact, sending nude selfies to someone just might be what your relationship needs. The old days of not sharing or showing the goods before giving it up are over. We live in a world where it’s acceptable to send and receive images of a hot local girl inserting a dildo inside of her. It’s just the way things are today. That said, I’m not mad about it at all!

nude pics study

Nude Pics and Sext Messages Are Great For Couples

I’m not pulling this information out of my ass. I know you probably think that but I’m here to tell you otherwise. I don’t have time to fabricate some bullshit story. All I have time for is facts and this is a fact! According to an article that was published in CNN, a study was conducted on sending nude pics and sext messages in order to keep a relationship exciting. What they determined will shock you.

Drexel University did a survey which included over 800 people. They asked whether or not any of them at sent a sext message to someone. The individuals were between the ages or 18 and 82. Guess what, 88% of the people said they had sent a sext message before with 82% sending it within the last year.

They study revealed that people who sent sext messages were happier than those that did not! If you’re using a dating app like Snapsext or Tinder and you are not sending sext messages then you are literally doing an injustice to your happiness and sex life as a whole.

One thing I can say is that I’ve personally been in a better mood and feel happier than ever before now that I consistently am talking with girls I meet online. Sure, there’s an art to all of this but it’s not impossible to master that art. In fact, having put in lots of work up front on my go-to dating site, I now have an opportunity to send and receive nude pics all day long. I could stop communicating with any new members for a year and I’d still have an overabundance of connections that I’ve made over the years.

It’s a great feeling and position to be in. Now, that being said, I would never do that because I just like getting new pussy far too much. However, it’s nice to know that my level of enjoyment will continue to remain as is assuming that I’m still using Snapsext and I’m able to chat via sexting with some horny locals I know.

Oh, one thing I should mention, there’s an art to this nude picture taking. You better not try and snap a pic that puts you in a bad spot. I’ve seen some people send terrible nude pics and it’s ruined their chances of getting laid right then and there. Instead, educate yourself on how to take the perfect selfie before you attempt to do it naked!

South Florida Casual Dating Tips You Need To Know


Dating in South Florida isn’t that difficult, especially if you’re using all the tools and tactics at your disposal. They are literally at the tip of your fingertips and I can almost guarantee that finding someone to hook up with in South Florida is doable. Why? Because I legit do it every single weekend and you can too.

I’m not here to tell you all the reasons why I think you should join this site or any other one. Instead, I’m here to drop some knowledge bombs on you that will make it impossible not to meet someone soon enough. If you want to learn why I love Snap Sext, just sign up and send a Snapsext message and you’ll know immediately.

south florida dating

Important Dating Tips If You Live In South Florida

Whether you’re going on a casual sex date or something more serious, most of the tips I’m about to share apply. Read them and have a good understanding of each one…

Get Your Ass Out There

Guess what, you’re not going to meet someone sitting on your couch playing video games. Stop hanging in your house so much and leave it once in a while.

Do not go to the same places daily. Venture out to other places that are new to you. While you are out there, spend some time using a dating app.

That means remaining logged on and active while on the go. Go to Miami Beach or Ft. Lauderdale. Hang out at the local bars or even on the sand. Just get out once in a while, please.

Dress Up A Bit

Trust me when I say this, women pay close attention to what you’re wearing. They too love dressing in chill gym gear and lounge clothes but they don’t do it when they want to meet someone for sex, especially during the weekend. Put in the extra effort to look nice and you will get noticed more.

Don’t go out wearing old rags and nasty-looking shoes. Present yourself as if you have your shit together enough for someone to want to start a relationship. Any other approach is stupid.

Talk About You, Not Your Connects

People in sunny South Florida are notorious for dropping the names of people they know. It’s like a staple of living here. It’s so fucking annoying that I can’t even stand it for a second.

If you’re on a casual date and you drop the wrong name, forget it. You will not get lucky from that point forward. Do not try and look cool using the name-dropping tactic.

No one gives a fuck who you know. Instead, you should talk about yourself and your date. Talk about things you do or have experienced in the past and forget your friends or family for the moment.

Take An Uber

If at all possible, you want to take an Uber to and from your date. Driving is a pain in the ass and so is parking. Just line up transportation for both you and your date. Who knows, you may end up going home with her anyway and having to leave your car at your date spot. Unless you have a Ferrari or nice car that you own, then leave it at home.

Eat And Drink

If you are on a date with a girl, then you best be prepared to eat and drink. It’s completely fine to do so especially if you invited her to dinner.

Don’t be one of these guys that’s afraid to eat or drink on a date. She might be hungry and if you’re not eating then she won’t either. Just don’t have too many drinks and don’t stuff your face to the point where you don’t want to have sex after dinner.

These are all tips that can help you if you’re dating throughout South Florida. Good luck and let me know how the dates go!

How I Scored A Monday Night Football Sex Date


This weekend was the first weekend for NFL football and it was one of the craziest starting weekends that I’ve ever had. During the craziness, I was able to secure a sex date for Monday Night Football. I swear to you and I’m going to tell you exactly how I did it so you can do the same as the season progresses. Some people like to watch MNF tonight alone at home or at a bar. I, on the other hand, prefer to watch it with someone that wants to have sex.

monday night football logo

Tips For Scoring A Monday Night Football Sex Hookup

I’m going to keep this as clear and concise as possible. It’s not all that common for people to want to watch football with a girl, but if you ask me, sex and football is the ultimate touchdown! Here’s exactly what I did to try and set this date up for MNF tonight.

The first thing I did was log onto Snapsext. I immediately started doing searches for girls that were in a close radius. I went as deep as 8-10 miles but that’s about it. Sure, I could have done the entire city zip code but I decided to keep it close instead.

Next, I searched for girls that liked football and sports. I did this using the advanced search function on the website. This allowed me to narrow down a group of girls that I knew would be somewhat interested in watching the game with me.

Since the Washington Redskins, Pittsburg Steelers, San Fran 49ers, and LA Rams are playing, I looked for people that were specific fans of those two teams. Even though I am not, I knew that my chances of getting them to go on a date with me to watch the game would be that much greater.

I did not have any luck with finding someone that was a fan of the Redskins or Rams. However, I did find quite a few girls that mentioned that they were huge NFL fans. I knew these were the girls to approach. I quickly began messaging them using the subject line “Monday Night Football” just to cut to the chase with them.

Sure enough, some of the girls replied back that were die hard MNF fans. After chatting with a couple of hot local girls I convinced one to come over my house for a local football watching date. I have a ton of beers, wine, spirits and lots of condoms. My plan is to have this girl over tonight, drink a bunch (even though it can be a mistake) with her and fuck her during the game. Let’s hope that I get one or two touchdowns tonight!

This same technique can be used for the next few months and I can almost guarantee that you will get laid taking this approach at one point or another. Keep it local, keep it about the game and as a result, you will score!

How To Keep Better Track Of Your Dates


If you’re like many men using casual dating sites, chances are you’ve been going on a number of dates on a monthly basis. Although most people using casual dating sites prefer to go on one night stands and avoid second dates, sometimes they date the same women. I’m going to give you some pointers that will help you succeed in the dating field today.

Keep Track of Your Dates

Tips To Help You Keep Track Of Your Dates

We’ll kick things off right away. Here’s the full rundown of what you can do to keep track of your dates…

Before The Date

I have a secret technique that I think works pretty well. What I do is make sure I carefully save and document the girl I’m set to go on a sex date with. I typically save her number in my phone first and foremost.

I always put notes on the girl like the things that she likes or the color of her hair. It helps me remember who she is given that I’ve got so many girls numbers on my phone. I need to stay organized.

I almost always make note of where I met the girl (which site) and where we went on a date. This isn’t necessary but it definitely helps out a lot.

If you have a number of girls in your phone with the same name, just give them each nicknames. Make sure your nicknames are not offensive at all.

During The Date

Once you both get to talking with one another, it’s crucial that you put your phone away. During your dates, you’re going to ruin things if you leave your phone out and continue to get text messages from other girls. Even if you’re just looking to have sex one time with someone.

I also think that you need to jot down some things that the girl mentions she likes during the date. For example, if she says she wants to fuck in a public park, then make note of that in her profile. What you need to do is not make the notes in front of the girl. That’s just fucking creepy.

After The Date

At this point, you’ve either gotten lucky with the girl and had sex, fooled around or you struck out. You need to make note of that on her vCard on your phone.


Well, you want to know if you’ve got a second sex date shot in the works. By chance, if you need to make a booty call then you might be able to give her a ring. Let me end by stating that taking diligent notes has allowed me to reconnect with some girls I’ve met online even a year later.

I waste zero time and skip all the typical small talk. Instead, I’ve got a classic way of rekindling fuck dates with all the snap sext girls that I’ve dated.


Those few tips should keep you in order and all the girls that you’ve got in your digital fuck book. Make sure you take action if you want to successfully date and hookup regularly. 

What To Do Before Morning Sex


We all love having morning sex. It’s no secret that it can be the best time of day to actually have sex. However, there are a few things that I typically suggest doing before you do it with each other! We can all be kinda gross upon waking and unfortunately it’s just the nature of being human. In order to make morning sex more enjoyable, I’ve put together a number of things that you should do before fucking the girl still in your bed from last night’s date.

Best Morning Sex Tips

Things To Do Before Morning Sex

Below you will find a list of things that you can do if you want to have a successful round of morning sex. Whether you have a girl in your bed from a one night stand or someone you smash on the regular. These tips all apply!

Brush Your Teeth
This rule is one that I typically never break. I refuse to punish a girl with my stank breath upon waking. Instead, you should neutralize your disgusting breath by simply brushing your teeth soon as you wake up. Use your toothbrush with toothpaste and even throw in some mouthwash for added measure. Now you shouldn’t feel so uncomfortable about breathing and moaning into your date’s face with shit breath!

Quick Shower
Showers are nice, especially when you can invite the girl you fucked last night in for a rinse down as well. Don’t be afraid to shower together, get nice and morning fresh than have sex in the shower. It’s a real nice way to start off your day! Save the water and shower together. That especially goes if you’ve rented a hotel and you’re staying in a place with an awesome luxury bathroom!

That brings me to the next thing you need to do. It’s typically customary to use the bathroom first when you wake up. Don’t hold your pee in just to try and better concentrate on having sex. It’s actually bad to hold your pee inside too long anyway. I always use the restroom first before sex, even if that means losing my morning wood.

Apply Deodorant
Some of us sweat when we sleep and that stank ain’t nothing nice. Smelly armpits and body odor is a terrible turnoff. Be sure that you smell extra fresh in the morning before sex and apply deodorant generously.

Wash Your Face
If you don’t want to take a shower then I at least recommend that you splash some cool water on your face. It’ll help wake you up a bit more. Not to mention, it will help clear up all that nasty eye booger crust on your face as well. Just take the effort to remove it all and you’ll look and feel better!

Comb Your Hair
Bed head can make just about anyone look like a piece of crap. Consider gently combing your hair so your bed head doesn’t completely turn off your sex partner.

I like my morning joe and I’m sure others do as well. Don’t be afraid to have coffee and even breakfast before morning sex. If you’re slick enough, you might even prepare all this the night before without the girl knowing. Then you can surprise her with breakfast in bed. You’ll be scoring big points doing this!

Well, those are my morning sex tips to make it fucking awesome for both people involved. Don’t take my word for it, though. Try these tips out next time before you decide to fuck the girl in your bed from last night’s date.

Sex On A Plane: What You Must Know


I typically don’t talk about just sex on my blog. However, I’ve recently hit mile high status and I feel as thought that gives me the right to share some sex on a plane advice with you folks. There are a few important things that you must learn before trying to have sex in the air. The list isn’t scary but it’s all stuff you’ll want to familiarize yourself with before hitting the tarmac.

Sex On A Plane Dan Bilzerian

Dan Bilzerian On A Private Airplane

Things To Understand About Have Sex On A Plane

This list is one that I just came up with myself based on personal experiences. I’m sure there are plenty of things that I’m leaving out here. However, these are what I think are extremely important when it comes to having sex while flying. One thing I always suggest doing is checking your dating app before you take off. Try to determine if anyone on the plane is a member of the dating site that you’re using. You may be able to fuck someone new if you aren’t traveling with a girl. Sex in the air is always possible, regardless of who’s flying with you!

There Are Some Risks
One important thing to remember is that there are consequences if you get caught having “airplane sex.” Some of the consequences may not be that fun either. If a pissed off or a prude flight attendant catches you balls deep then you may get in trouble with the captain and even arrested. It can and has happened before. Just understand that it’s not all fun and games if you do get caught.

Timing Matters
If you are flying commercial, then you’ll want to pick the perfect time for having sex on a plane. You’ll want to locate the closest bathroom and the one with the least amount of activity. The lady should always be the one that enters the bathroom first. You want to pay close attention to avoid any bathroom that has a long line. Establish a secret knock or something so that the girl knows that it’s you and not some other guy that’s about to go to pound town with your dirty GF.

Dress For Sex
Do you want to know what makes sex on a plane easier? Dressing as if you’re planning on having airplane sex is a pretty good idea. I’m just saying, plan on wearing something that makes the event most enjoyable and easiest to accomplish. That means no panties for you ladies.

Study The Positions
You need to have a sex position plan before going into the bathroom. Not all positions are possible. Actually, there are really only two positions that work in the bathroom of an airplane. The first is the reverse cowgirl and the other is the girl kinda straddling you. Whatever you do, don’t lean too much. The doors and walls aren’t as sturdy as you think.

Exit Plan
Getting off in the air is just half of it. Now you need to have an exit strategy to get away with it. The best approach is to bring the air sick bag and pretend like you are helping your female friend out. There’s nothing wrong with checking on a girlfriend that’s sick.

These are the basic tactics that you need to be familiar with if you plan on having sex on a plane. It’s doable and even though it’s not all that comfortable it’s a bucket list item and one dating goal many should hope to accomplish!

Simple Guide On How To Get A Girl In Bed To Fuck


If you’re like more local dudes, you want to know how to get a girl in bed the fastest and most effective way. Am I right? Of course, I am. Some guys have the looks and/or the gift of being able to get a girl to have sex with him almost every time, but some are not that lucky. If you are one of those guys, then you will benefit from a guide that you could follow. Look no further. I have put together a step by step guide that, if followed with an open mind and willingness to improvise, could increase your chances of getting laid. Keep in mind that it is impossible to have a hard set of rules that will work every time, but this guide will certainly put you on the right path. Enjoy!

How To Get A Girl In Bed

Step By Step Guide On How To Get A Girl In Bed

Here are the best steps to take if you want to get a girl in your bedroom and your jimmy deep inside her naughty booty.

Show Her Your Best

This one might be obvious but it has to be addressed. Put your best foot forward. Dress for success and wear your nicest clothes when you go out. Be the best part of who you are. Don’t fake it, til you make it. Just be the best you and you’ll go much further, faster.

Show Her That You Like Her

Another obvious step, but it has to be done. Show her that you are attracted to her without getting too overzealous. Don’t jump the gun and ask her out until you have gotten to know her and shown her you are interested. You can actually handle this step online via the casual dating site you are using. Send the girl a poke or favorite her or do whatever the site offers to show your interest.

Avoid The Friend Trap

Conversation and getting to know each other is important, but you must show that you are attracted to her and not just enjoy talking to her. This is why it is important to flirt and tease her as your conversation progresses. If she flirts back, then it’s quite possible that she’s giving you a sign that she wants to bang you.

Get In Plenty Of Alone Time

Both of you need to get to know each other and flirt. You don’t want to be around many of your friends (mutual or not) or other people that one of you don’t know. Hanging out with friends will come later after the connection has been established. Perhaps it won’t come at all if this is just a fuck date (that’s fine too).

Take Her Out

This doesn’t necessarily mean to take her on a date. Take her for a cup of coffee or take her out to lunch. Somewhere where there is no pressure of a first date. Just hanging out and getting to know each other. I’ve actually started incorporating a new tactic since the whole Pokemon Go craze started. It helps me connect with girls in more public places and sets me up for success in this step.

Start Flirting And Touching

If she is still showing interest, it’s time to take it to the next level with some light teasing, flirting and touching. Start small and pay attention to her reactions. If she responds well, continue. If she ever seems uncomfortable, back off and continue talking.

Pick A Hookup Place

If she is responding after the flirting, it’s time to advance the relationship. Don’t be presumptuous. Just take to your place or go to hers. Remain relaxed and not too pushy. She will let you know when the time is right to escalate.

Amp The Flirting

If she is at your place or you are at hers, she is interested. Amp up the flirting then, back off. Don’t come on too strong. You are on the right track now, so don’t do anything to derail here. If she’s a college girl and she’s really horny, then you’ll want to bust out some booze to spice things up even further (if you haven’t already).

Toss In A Movie

Movies are great precursors to help you get a girl in bed and have sex. There’s a reason why so many guys ask girls to come over to watch Netflix and chill. It gives you plenty of time to sit in each other’s company without the pressure of thinking of things to say. Not to mention, you can move as fast or as slow as you both desire. Feel her out based on how she responds to during this time. You’re almost at fuck town.

Turn Her On Now

You have advanced through the steps and now it’s time to take it to the next level. This is where the sex happens. Turn up the volume on your flirting. Watch the sparks fly even more. Just remember to always pay close attention to how she reacts. If she gives you the go-ahead, then keep on truckin’ because she likely wants the D. At that point you need to get the girl into your bedroom as quickly as possible if you aren’t there already.

That’s my step by step guide on how to get a girl in bed for some fun. See, I told you there wasn’t much to getting a girl in bed for some hookup fun. All you need to do is follow my directions accordingly and you’ll be successful.